
CCP stands for Covid-19 Convalescent Plasma, plasma collected from Covid-19 recovered patients.
CCP contains antibodies that could neutralize SARS-CoV-2 and thus may improve disease course in patients with SARS-CoV-2.

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SUPPORT-E - SUPPORTing high quality
evaluation of Covid-19 convalescent plasma
throughout Europe -
is a research project
supported by the European Commission which
brings together major European Blood
Establishments. Its aim is to support high quality

clinical and scientific evaluation of Covid-19
Convalescent Plasma (CCP), using among other things
the dedicated database created by the European Commission.
The main goal of the project is to help EU countries
in both assessing the efficacy of a new therapeutic
solution to deal with the current Coronavirus crisis and
developing new strategies to face potential future pandemics.

Learn more about Support-e >
Learn more about the CCP Database >



Support High Quality
CCP donation


Support High Quality CCP Evaluation in clinical trials and monitored access use programmes


Deliver Recommendations for the collection and use of CCP in EU member states to treat Covid-19


Deliver Recommendations for future outbreaks


Ensure EU wide adoptions of recommendations and project legacy


A short video to present what we have done so far and our plans for the near future

Here is a brief video resumé of what we have done so far and our plans for the near future.
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The layman’s version of the July 21-June 22 Report is now online

The layman’s version of the Support-e Project Interim Report is now available. You can download it by clicking on this link.
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Newsletter N.2 is now available

The second newsletter of SUPPORT-E project is now available. You can download it by clicking on this link.
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