
European Blood Alliance (EBA) – Netherlands
The European Blood Alliance (EBA) is an association of not for profit Blood Establishments within the European Union or European Free Trade Association. EBA has now 26 members that overall manage 17 million of blood donors.

AarhusUniversitethospital (AUH) – Denmark
Aarhus University Hospital offers specialised treatment to citizens in the Central Denmark Region and other regions in Denmark and develops and provides highly specialised research and education at international level.

Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale di Mantova (ASST di Mantova) – Italy
Medical facility based in one of the most-affected areas by Covid-19 in Europe. It was among the first in Italy to launch a clinical trial programme on convalescent plasma based therapy.

Belgische Rode Kruis (Rode Kruis) – Belgium
Belgian Red Cross-Flanders collects blood throughout the Flemish Community. We're responsible for providing a constant supply and adequate quantities of safe blood products to hospitals across the Flemish Community.

Blutspende Schweiz Rotes Kreuz AG (Blutspende SRK) – Switzerland
Together with the regional blood transfusion services, we ensure the supply of blood to hospitals in Switzerland. As a national umbrella organisation, we watch over blood procurement and ensure the application of uniform policies and methods throughout Switzerland

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz – Blutspendedienst Baden-Wüttemberg | Hessen GGMBH (DRK-BSD) – Germany
The German Red Cross Blood Donor Service Baden-Wuerttemberg – Hessen with its affiliates ensures a safe and sufficient blood supply for about 30 million out of 82 million of the German population.

Établissementfrançais du sang (EFS) – France
EFS is the National blood transfusion service in France and French Overseas departments. EFS’s main goal is ensuring national self-sufficiency in blood components. EFS is also involved in a number of other activity including transfusion medicine and biology, cell engineering and therapy, as well as research.

Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo (IRCCS OSM) - Italy
IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation is one of the most important scientific hospital and treatment centre in Europe and it is also a clinical experimentation laboratory and a privileged location for assistance activities since 1400.

Istituto Superiore di Sanità – Centro Nazionale Sangue (CNS-ISS) – Italy
Centro nazionale sangue is the main coordinator of the Italian national blood system. It also carries out the functions of technical-scientific supervisor on all blood donations/transfusions procedures and on all therapies based on blood and plasma and platelets

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) - UK
National Health Service – Blood Transfusion manages blood donation services in England and transplant services in all of United Kingdom. It also provides pioneering products and services to improve patient health, including facilitating clinical trials.

Statens Serum Institut (SSI) – Denmark
Statens Serum Institut (SSI) is under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Health. Its main duty is to ensure preparedness against infectious diseases and biological threats as well as control of congenital disorders.

StichtingSanquinBloedvoorziening (Sanquin) – Netherlands
Sanquin ensures a safe and efficient blood supply in the Netherlands. Next to collecting blood, Sanquin produces pharmaceutical products, conducts high-quality scientific research, develops and performs a multitude of diagnostic services, and provides training and education.